How to use Pinterest for business 2018?

How to use Pinterest for business 2018?


Pinterest was founded in 2010 as a free website that amazingly allowed users to save, sort, and manage images and other media content as pins to a virtual collection known as a pinboard. The website is free of cost and you can start pinning after you have registered with the website. It has become a huge scope for many businesses and has been generating a huge traffic, 27% more than Facebook and around 400 % more revenue per click than Twitter.

The business owners have started to realize the use of Pinterest to correctly reach a global audience and a vast range of targeted audience which doubles the chances of business sales. It has been calculated that around 2/3rd of the content which is saved to Pinterest are related to businesses. It means that Pinterest has a huge traffic of people who pin items that are related to business. It made easier for people to follow their interest and see different pins related to their interests on a single platform. It saved a lot of time and with the new option to buy from the website itself, it has increased the creditability of Pinterest as a great tool for businesses.

To use the Pinterest platform for boosting your business you must create a Pinterest business account which offers business-specific features like business analytics and the ability to use Pinterest advertising to boost your sales. If you already have a Pinterest account, you can convert it to a business account by mentioning some more information about your business and accept some business-specific terms and conditions.

There are many ways in which the Pinterest influence a brand image and also popularise a brand name through its pinning and virtual boards which can bring together a huge traffic towards your product much more traffic than any other social media platform can ever provide. Let us discuss few important aspects of how can we use Pinterest for our businesses.


  • Save Button- A business needs a website or a platform which is designed to convert targeted audience to probable buyers by using several marketing techniques. There is one problem that bugs a business i.e not having enough visitors. If you do not have people visiting your website there are very little chances for your business to grow. So to solve this problem Pinterest has created a SAVE BUTTON which can be built using a Pinterest widget builder. If you want people to pin your website or content, you can just add a SAVE BUTTON to your site which allows a visitor to pin the content with just a single click.


  • Regular Pins- For a company to have many visitors to their page, it is very necessary that you strategize your pinning in a correct manner. It is said that you must PIN at least once a day, during the peak times which differs from one country to another. According to U.S based brands they have analyzed that the peak times in the U.S are the evenings and the weekends. If you have a large number of posts which you need to highlight, post your content over the course of the week, you could further divide them into few posts that you can post several per day. It is not advisable to post a lot of stuff all at once.


  • People buy what they see- People like things that are nice to see. To succeed in creating a good business platform in Pinterest it must be noted that it is a highly visual platform where people are more attracted to photos of brands and products which are well clicked, well focused and are made up of vibrant colours that is attractive to viewers. This is exactly what sells, so it is worth the effort to create quality images which are clear, well-lit and focused. You can mix creative visual content to showcase your product. It has been analysed by out of many pins that were promoted, lifestyle images that showed the product being used in real life produced 170 % higher converted rates when compared to other pins which just focused on the product alone. Be creative to the eyes if you want to be in the business.


  • Pinning has a huge base with no age restriction- Pinterest is a largely sized platform to reach the desired audience out of the 150 million people Pinterest users. The chances of meeting your desired audience here are more than any other platform. The bigger audience also increases your business opportunities on a larger scale. Pinterest has 67 percent of its pinners under the age of 40, 54 percent of women between the age of 35-55 and a huge number of men are also joining regularly. The website which first started as a great juncture for sharing interesting contents took off in no time to become a huge platform which provided better product visibility and sale chances.


  • Long-term benefits- Some of the business platforms require periodic payment and formalities that you need to check from time to time to be a visible brand that has a huge number of targeted audiences. There is a profit in investing on Pinterest as it pays off long-term. The Pins are supposed to last forever and with the pin, your content has a longer visuality and conversion chances on Pinterest compared to other digital channels. Your content has an evergreen value here. If you focus on high-quality relative Pins and you optimize your website according to the visual needs, the long lasting pins are sure to provide results in the long run.


  • Pinning is followed by buying- A research shows that 87 % of pinners have been buying products that they have been pinning. The numbers go higher when we calculate the number of Pinners who have used Pinterest to plan their future purchase. This makes it an attractive platform where the rate of conversion is much higher than any other social media platform. This is because people have been seen to be keeping track or pinning the product they want to buy rather than the actors who endorse it. Pinterest helps the business grow by directing huge and dedicated traffic towards the correct audience of a particular brand or product which increase the rates of conversions miraculously.


  • Directs huge traffic to your website- The main motives of running ad campaigns on social media are to direct a customer towards another website that may or may not interest the customer. The more people you divert to your ad, the better the chances of conversions. Pinterest has boosted online business industry by directing around 5% of all referral traffic to websites. This means that if your business has a click-worthy or attractive content on Pinterest, you have even better chances of driving high conversion percentage. It is second only to Facebook who directs around 25% of the referral traffic on the web.

Innovation is part of the online business culture and Pinterest is one innovative platform of this culture. Consumers are changing their buying habits and preferences every day and if we cannot catch up to the consumers, someone else is sure to do it. So adapting is the new mantra of online business marketing.

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